巴黎圣母院景点介绍 英文


Notre Dame de Paris is a novel written by Victor Hugo, a French writer. It was first published on January 14, 1831.
Notre Dame de Paris tells a story that took place in France in the 15th century by means of bizarre and contrastive means: Crodd, Vice-Chairman of Notre Dame de Paris.
is respectable, has a heart of snakes and scorpions, first loves and then hates, and persecutes Esmeralda, a Giuseppe girl.
Kasimodo, an ugly and kind-hearted bell ringer, sacrificed himself to save the girl. The novel exposes the hypocrisy of religion, declares the bankruptcy of asceticism.
eulogizes the benevolence, friendship and self-sacrifice of the lower working people, and reflects Hugo's humanitarian thought.

In France, the Bourbon Dynasty, overthrown by the bourgeois revolutionary regime, was restored in 1815 with the support of foreign feudal forces.
Until 1830, the July Revolution broke out in France, ending the feudal rule of Bourbon's Restoration Dynasty.
Under the reign of the Restoration Dynasty, the French courts and churches acted in adultery and oppressed the people.
In Paris at that time, the religious forces were evil and dark, the feudal system was very cruel, and the human nature was distorted and degenerated under the oppression of feudalism.
All sectors of society, especially the lower class, are in a deeply sympathetic situation. The oppressed people rose up and fought bravely with the two forces to win the final victory.
Hugo felt the darkness and cruelty of feudal rule and created Notre Dame de Paris, reflecting real life through the Paris society in the 15th century.
The title of Notre Dame de Paris refers to Notre Dame de Paris, where the story takes place. In 1829, Victor Hugo began to create Notre Dame de Paris in order to let people know the value of this Gothic architecture.

1,埃菲尔铁塔,the Eiffel Tower
The Eiffel Tower, built in 1889, stands on the champs DE Mars in Paris, France, on the south bank of the Seine.
It was the tallest building in the world at that time.
The Eiffel Tower takes its name from the famous architect and structural engineer gustave Eiffel, who designed it.
2,巴黎圣母院大教堂,Notre-Dame de Paris
Notre Dame cathedral is a gothic Christian church building on the Seine and the island of the sieti.
The cathedral of the Catholic archdiocese of Paris.
Its status and historical value are unparalleled, and it is one of the most brilliant buildings in history.

3,塞纳河,Seine River
The Seine, the largest river in northern France, is 776.6 kilometers long.
The total basin area, including tributaries, is 78,700 square kilometers.
It is one of Europe's great historic rivers.
Its drainage network carries most of France's inland waterway traffic.
4,卢浮宫,The Louvre
The Louvre museum is located on the north bank of the Seine river in the center of Paris, France.
It is the first of the four major museums in the world.
Originally built in 1204, it was the royal palace of France, where 50 French Kings and queens lived.
It is one of the most precious buildings of the French Renaissance.
It is famous for its rich collection of classical paintings and sculptures.
5,协和广场,Place DE la Concorde
Place DE la Concorde is located in the center of Paris, north of the Seine, is the most famous square in France.
It was built by king Louis xv in the 18th century.
It was built to show the world his imperial power and was called the place Louis xv.


In thinking of Gothic architecture, our thoughts always ascend. For that which embodies Gothic style most is lofty; Rose windows of stained glass, ornately crafted spires, and the guardians of grand cathedrals, the Gargoyles. Each is distinctly Gothic, and all distinctly Notre Dame de Paris.



中方县说: 《巴黎圣母院》主要内容的英文版 - 作业帮
孕初回复:[答案] Notre Dame de Paris was published by Victoria Hugo in 1831 and is one of his many historical novels,set in fifteenth century Paris.The archdeacon of Notre Dame,a certain Claude Frollo,falls in lust with Esmerelda - a gypsy dancer - who is much ...

中方县说: 巴黎圣母院用英文怎么讲?
孕初回复: 巴黎圣母院(Cathedral of Notre Dame,Paris)

中方县说: 欧洲名胜古迹的英文介绍!!
孕初回复: 1. 意大利比萨斜塔 The Tower of Pisa.The Tower of Pisa is the bell tower of the Cathedral. Its construction began in the august of 1173 and continued (with two long interruptions) for about two hundred years, in full fidelity to the original project, ...

中方县说: 巴黎有什么名胜 需要英文
孕初回复: 卢浮宫The Louvre Museum 爱丽舍宫ElyséePalace 卢森堡宫Palais du Luxembourg 巴黎圣母院Notre Dame De Paris 凯旋门The arc of triumph 圣心大教堂 Basilique 塞纳河Theodore 艾菲尔铁塔The Eiffel Tower

中方县说: 巴黎圣母院的英文说法
孕初回复: 巴黎圣母院(NotreDamedeParis)建成于1345年.不仅因雨果的同名小说而出名,更因为它是巴黎最古老最宏伟的天主教堂.这座哥特式的巨石建筑物,历经两百年,由...

中方县说: 巴黎名胜古迹(英文)
孕初回复: 艾菲尔铁塔 eiffel tower 巴黎圣母院 Notre Dame Paris 凡尔赛宫 Versailles Palace 卢浮宫 Louvre

中方县说: 英语翻译 黄山有迷人的风光Huangshan has some - ---- - ------巴黎圣母院是世界上最著名的教堂之一Notre Dame Cathedral is one of - ---- - ----- - ----- - ----- - in the ... - 作业帮
孕初回复:[答案] Huangshan has some charming sights/sceneries. 巴黎圣母院是世界上最著名的教堂之一 Notre Dame Cathedral is one of the most famous churches in the world 一般来说,英语比数学容易得多 Generally speaking,English is much easier than math 老...

中方县说: 巴黎圣母院故事英文简介 -
孕初回复: 《NotreDamecathedral》 isoneknownfarandwideromanticfactionstrengthwhichVictorHugowrites.Itakeadvantageofthissummervacationfreetime,readthisgreatwork. NotreDamecathedral'sstory,actuallywasoneatthattimesocialepicpoem,...

中方县说: 巴黎圣母院(英文)
孕初回复: The Hunchback of Notre Dame

中方县说: 法国景点具体位置(英文加中文) -
孕初回复: 展开全部巴黎的景点 戴高乐广场(Place Charles de Gaulle) 也叫星型广场. 位于广场的中间.12条发射形的大路环绕广场. 凯旋门(L'arc de Triomphe) 登顶的门票6.10欧元 1806年由拿破仑下令兴建,坐落在巴黎市中心星形广场(现称戴高...



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