

解决咨询: “你只是狗”用英语怎么说.? - ?
泊头市网友回复: you are just a dog 或者 you are a bitch bitch 是母狗的意思 就是形容内些臭不要脸的人

解决咨询: 一只玩具狗的英文 - 作业帮?
泊头市网友回复: [答案] a toy dog; 有帮助记得好评,新问题请重新发帖提问,这里不再回答谢谢

解决咨询: 我要一篇关于兔子的英文文章,.有带翻译的,. - ?
泊头市网友回复: Dogs(狗) Dogs belong to the canine. When a dog follows its nose, it's actually being led by thee key senses. Sight:a glimpse of the enemy saves them barking up the wrong tree. Sound: a bark can be a fierce threat, but it's also how canines ...

解决咨询: 一只狗向我扑来英语怎么说A dog attacked me. - 作业帮?
泊头市网友回复: [答案] A dog throws to me

解决咨询: 狗是一种动物用英语怎么说?dog is a kind of animals.还是dogs are a kind of animals.到底应该怎么说才对呢?dogs are a kind of animal (are 和a不矛盾吗?)... - 作业帮?
泊头市网友回复: [答案] Dog is a kind of animal.

解决咨询: 英语翻译今天我看完一本名叫The Call of the Wild的第一章,里面主要讲一只狗,它的名字叫Buck,一个园丁偷偷的把Buck卖给了一个胖子,它非常生气,一... - 作业帮?
泊头市网友回复: [答案] I had finished reading the first chapter of , the story begins with Buck, a dog which stolen and sold to a paunchy man by a garderner, Buck was extraordinarily angry and jumped at the paunchy man, but ends up with beaten. 新年快乐!

解决咨询: 英语翻译句子一只狗正在追着一只猫 - 作业帮?
泊头市网友回复: [答案] A dog is running after a cat .或 A dog is chasing a cat .

解决咨询: 她有一只猫狗 用 英语怎么说 - 作业帮?
泊头市网友回复: [答案] She has a dog and a cat

解决咨询: 在我家院子里有一只狗用英语怎么说? - 作业帮?
泊头市网友回复: [答案] there's a dog in my yard

解决咨询: 这里有一个椅子和四只狗.用英语怎么说 - 作业帮?
泊头市网友回复: [答案] there is a chair and four dogs.这里主要考就近原则



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