

春季咨询: 一道英语题目这条狗多可爱啊!翻译:____ - ____ - lovely dog - ___ - _____. - 作业帮?
岳西县网友回复: [答案] What a lovely dog it is!

春季咨询: 真是一只可爱的小狗.翻译成英语 - ?
岳西县网友回复: 真是一只可爱的小狗. : Is a lovely dog. 希望对你有所帮助

春季咨询: 可爱的英语怎么写 - ?
岳西县网友回复: 可爱 [词典] lovely; lovable; likable; likability; loveliness [例句] My brother had a lovely dog. I looked after him for about a week. 我哥哥有一只可爱的狗.我照看了它约一周.

春季咨询: 多可爱的一只狗啊怎么翻译 - ?
岳西县网友回复: What a lovely dog! 或者How lovely the dog is!

春季咨询: 我有一只可爱的玩具狗用英语怎么说 - ?
岳西县网友回复: 我有一只可爱的玩具狗_有道翻译 翻译结果: I have a lovely toy dog

春季咨询: 很可爱的狗,是你养的吗?请问英文怎么说 谢谢 - ?
岳西县网友回复: 实在无法忍受这么多中式英语而且没人了解基本的西方文化,我给楼主地道的回答吧:Cute dog. Is she/he yours?讲解: 老外形容动物之类的可爱基本用 cute, adorable, 在西方,老外从不会用it来表示狗,只能用 he or she.

春季咨询: 用英语将客厅里有一只可爱的小狗翻译成疑问勾. - 作业帮?
岳西县网友回复: [答案] There is a lovely dog in the living room

春季咨询: 八年级英语题.一:翻译句子.1.我爷爷住在一个小村庄里,他养了一只可爱的狗.____________________________________________2.狗很漂亮,很聪明,... - 作业帮?
岳西县网友回复: [答案] my grandpa lives in a small village.he feeds a lovely dog. the dog is very beautiful and smart ,it can help grandpa with much work.

春季咨询: 我很喜欢狗,它的可爱之处很多 翻译成英文 - 作业帮?
岳西县网友回复: [答案] I like the dog very much, it has many lovable place

春季咨询: ...答得好的必悬赏,急求,在线等,非常感谢!我有一只狗,它是我最喜欢的动物.我的这只狗有一岁半,它是一只黑白相间而且友好、聪明.可爱的狗.它长着... - 作业帮?
岳西县网友回复: [答案] I have a dog ,it is my favorite animal.This dog is one and a half years old.It is a dog with white black hair.And it is a clever and lovely dog.It has a small nose and two spherical eyes.It likes to e...



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